Health & Wellness for a Drug-Free World.
With Addiction on the rise in the United States & all over the world, and overdoses increasing throughout the the United States daily. If you are on my site then you are on the right track. The information is here but it is your responsibility to take take the next step.
Don't stop here, Keep going.....
Individual's & Parents can't fix addiction & if you think you can your fooling yourself. I've been there, done that. The information you are seeking is time sensitive. You want it immediately. For the longer you wait to get the help you need the worse the problem will get.
Don't stop here, Keep going.....
You have now taken the first step past the denial stage.
These resources will make a difference in many lives.....
Thank you for your Support!
♦ Contributions are not tax deductible. Addiction Resources On-Line LLC is a For-Profit Organization.
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If you feel compelled to help.....Contribute now.....Those who sow into us will help us to continue to add resources as they become available with the goal of sowing our profits back into the community.
State Detox Facilities
National Rehabs
Christian Recovery Programs
National Support Groups
National Organizations